3 limiting beliefs about LinkedIn

Jul 28, 2024
3 limiting beliefs about LinkedIn

Find Your Superpower newsletter 067

Read time: 5 minutes   

Topics covered: My birthday sale, mindset, 30-day challenge


Go, go, go, go, go, go
Go shawty, it’s my birthday
We gonna party like it’s my birthday!

Ladies and gentlemen... August is coming up, and that can only mean one thing...

It’s my birthday! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

For the month of August, I am offering both of my masterclasses at a special discount, plus some goodies along with it. Come celebrate my birthday with me!

If you are a rising professional executive, you may be looking for a promotion and a raise. You may want headhunters sliding into your DMs, and you may want to start a side hustle.

If you are a new business owner or solopreneur, you may want to create a pipeline of qualified, warm leads who are ready to buy from you. You may want to gain respect from industry peers, and you may want to grow your company in a challenging economy. 

What if all of the answers could be found on LinkedIn?


But first, we must fix three limiting beliefs to benefit abundantly from LinkedIn:


❌ LIMITING BELIEF #1: LinkedIn has never given me real business leads or opportunities. It might work for some industries, but probably not for mine.

I understand that you have yet to benefit from the most powerful networking platform available for professionals, which is why you’re skeptical.

65 million decision makers and C-suite leaders across all industry sectors use LinkedIn today. But only 1-3% of us are posting actively on this platform. Is it fair that we receive all of the attention and opportunities while the rest lurk in the shadows?

SOLUTION: Let me help you shift from an employee mindset to an entrepreneur mindset on LinkedIn. By adopting a long-term editorial content strategy, you play chess while others play checkers.


❌ LIMITING BELIEF #2: I am too busy. I don’t have the energy to write cringey posts on LinkedIn. If I have to humble brag all day, I’d rather not do it.

Before 2020, I didn’t take LinkedIn seriously and was a lurker on the platform. Even worse, I was a humble bragger, meaning I only posted to announce a promotion, an award, a job change, or any time I spoke publicly.

No wonder I never crossed 100 likes for a post on LinkedIn.

SOLUTION: Let me help you shift away from gaining attention on LinkedIn to gaining trust. You never have to humble brag on LinkedIn, nor should you. Let me show you how to sustainably build social capital on LinkedIn, a currency far more valuable than money.


❌ LIMITING BELIEF #3: I am not an influencer. I don’t know if people will like me. I don’t think I can acquire lots of followers.

In 2008, Wired editor Kevin Kelly proposed the idea that we don’t require millions of fans to be successful, just 1,000 true fans.

Unlike other social media platforms which are mostly pay-to-play, LinkedIn is one of the few platforms that still has organic reach. With just 1,000 true fans (NB: not all followers are true fans), you should be able to unlock a steady pipeline of clients and opportunities.

SOLUTION: Let me show you how the law of attraction works on LinkedIn. If you learn how to attract your 1,000 true fans, LinkedIn will reveal an endless stream of new clients and career opportunities.


A priceless bouquet from a VIP

As a LinkedIn coach, I am always honored to work with VIPs like Professor Kishore Mahbubani, the former Singapore Ambassador to the UN. I am especially grateful when these VIPs are willing to provide a testimonial for me.

In this case, Professor Mahbubani even agreed to write a foreword for my e-book, The LinkedIn Success Mindset, which discusses mindset and action on LinkedIn:

“Academics seek truth. Business persons seek profits. So can a great academic become a good business person? In theory, no. In practice, yes. This brilliant little book shows how.

Juliana was an accomplished scientist before she decided to make a leap across the great divide between academia and business to launch her own enterprise. That alone took great courage. Yet, it took even greater courage to persist despite the tough setbacks generated by Covid-19 and to launch a digital strategy in the midst of this great storm.

Amazingly, Juliana succeeded. Actually, for those who know Juliana, it wasn’t amazing at all. Few can match her sheer intellect, drive and determination, energy and ambition. If Juliana sets her mind on a project, she cannot fail.

Indeed, she succeeded beyond all her expectations. This is why this book is a must-read for all budding entrepreneurs, which we all are. Her three laws of abundance, attraction and reciprocity should become widely disseminated around the world.

I know from personal experience that Juliana is remarkably generous with her time and wisdom. For a 75-year-old like me to plunge into this exciting new world of social media was clearly a leap of faith from a cliff into a deep unknown. Yet, Juliana generously shared a parachute with me to ensure a safe and happy landing for this leap of faith. Without her help, my LinkedIn account would have languished in obscurity. She saved it.

Let’s all thank Juliana for generously sharing her wisdom and learning with the world. I have no doubt that this volume will inspire many others, young and old, novices or seasoned entrepreneurs, to venture into new territory!”

- Professor Kishore Mahbubani
Distinguished Fellow, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Singapore Ambassador to the UN (1984-1989 and 1998-2004) and Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1994-1998)
Founding Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (2004-2017)
37K followers on LinkedIn

LinkedIn profile




Come celebrate my birthday with me at my August 2024 birthday sale.

For the month of August, I am offering both of my masterclasses on branding and mindset at a special discount!


Here is what you will learn from two masterclasses:

βœ… Develop a stronger and clearer professional brand
βœ… Complete your LinkedIn profile and fix your security settings
βœ… Learn how to use storytelling to build trust on LinkedIn
βœ… Learn about three laws of success on LinkedIn—abundance, attraction and reciprocity
βœ… Find out what the seven cardinal sins on LinkedIn are, and online personas to avoid

This offer is available until 31 Aug 2024, 11:59 PM (GMT +8).


Let’s slay on LinkedIn together,
Juliana AKA the birthday girl πŸŽ‰


PS: if you already own one or both of my masterclasses, have you heard about my bootcamps?

Thanks for reading issue 067 of my weekly Find Your Superpower newsletter.

For those of you who are new to my newsletter, Find Your Superpower is subscribed to by 38,000+ people, and discusses the following three goals: (1) Making a career transition, (2) Professional branding on LinkedIn, and (3) Reinventing ourselves for the future of work.

Follow our new Find Your Superpower LinkedIn page!

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