Why your high-ticket offer isn’t selling (and how to fix it)

Sep 08, 2024
Why your high-ticket offer isn’t selling (and how to fix it)

Find Your Superpower newsletter 073

Read time: 5 minutes

Topics covered: Entrepreneurship, small business owner, freelancer, coach, consultant, speaker


Before I start my newsletter proper, I wanted to let you know that I am issuing a LAST CALL for registration to Cohort 4 of my six-week LinkedIn bootcamp, which runs from October 5 to November 16. The bootcamp is more than 90% full right now, and I will most probably fill the remaining spots this weekend so please join now before it is too late!

By the way, my next LinkedIn bootcamp is at least 7-8 months away, and the opportunity cost of not getting your LinkedIn optimized for sales and business conversions for nearly a year (!) is huge... both financially and reputationally!

In September, my newsletter content will focus on business strategy and income diversification.

I revealed last week, for the first time ever, the six income streams that I have slowly built up as a content creator. I am glad I did, as writing about it helped me to figure out which income stream I liked, which I didn’t... which I wanted to grow and which I wanted to focus less on in 2025.

Today I am going to discuss something that I have learnt to do much better this year: high-ticket offers. A high-ticket offer is generally regarded as a service or product of approximately US$1,000 and above in value.

Sounds interesting?

OK, lets begin!


The most common challenges faced in high-ticket sales

If youre still reading this newsletter, there is a high chance that you are an entrepreneur, a small-business owner, a coach, a consultant, a freelancer or a speaker selling a high-ticket offer, such as 1:1 coaching, business consulting, or a retainer service.

But you may face the following challenges:

An unreliable lead-generation pipeline: you get enquires sporadically and seasonally, but never predictably. This also makes your annual income challenging to predict and your vacations hard to plan for.

Price objections during tiring sales calls: you run 10 sales calls, each 30-60 minutes long, and in most of them you face a huge price resistance and hear the same price objections over and over again.

Clear signals that the client is hesitant to commit: aside from hearing the same price objections repeatedly, youre constantly chasing your clients to reply or register, but they seem to be taking their own sweet time to decide and complete payment.

What is happening here is that you are pushing your risk-averse clients to buy too soon.

Push them any harder and they’ll be gone.


To remove high-ticket price objections altogether, heres what we have to do, step by step:



I hope that you enjoyed reading my newsletter on how to convert a cold lead to a warm lead and a hot lead for a high-ticket offer.

If you liked this newsletter, or if you have a business-related question that I could answer in a future newsletter, please leave me a DM on LinkedIn or send me an email.

Please let me know what you think.



Thanks for reading issue 073 of my weekly Find Your Superpower newsletter.

For those of you who are new to my newsletter, Find Your Superpower is subscribed to by 40,000+ people, and discusses the following three goals: (1) Making a career transition, (2) Professional branding on LinkedIn, and (3) Reinventing ourselves for the future of work.

PS: Follow our new Find Your Superpower LinkedIn page!

🚨 LAST CALL: Cohort 4 of our bootcamp is now 90% full. Let’s work on your LinkedIn account before 2024 ends! Sign up here!

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