My weekly Find Your Superpower newsletter covers these themes:

  • Making a career transition
  • Professional branding on LinkedIn
  • Reinventing ourselves for the future of work

Join 39,000+ subscribers and receive this free newsletter in your email inbox every Sunday morning. 

You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming webinars and bootcamp launches.

Why your high-ticket offer isn’t selling (and how to fix it)

Find Your Superpower newsletter 073

Read time: 5 minutes

Topics covered: Entrepreneurship, small business owner, freelancer, coach, consultant, speaker


Before I start my newsletter proper, I wanted to let you know that I am issuing a LAST CALL for registration to Cohort 4 of my six-week...

How I built six income streams

Find Your Superpower newsletter 072

Read time: 10 minutes

Topics covered: Income diversification, entrepreneurship, small business owner


It has been a terrific August birthday month for me, and I have been busy running lots of public workshops.

I would like to congratulate not one, not...

Is video the next big thing on LinkedIn?

Find Your Superpower newsletter 071

Read time: 7 minutes

Topics covered: LinkedIn video, LinkedIn bootcamp early-bird sale ending


I first started hearing about videos popping on LinkedIn earlier this year from LinkedIn editors and other content creators.

This was followed by chatter in...

The number one tip to develop a personal brand (according to Chris Do)

Find Your Superpower newsletter 070

Read time: 5 minutes

Topics covered: LinkedIn branding, mindset, Chris Do, bootcamp 60% full!


I stand on the shoulder of giants.

As the founder of the Find Your Superpower community, my mission is to help everyone discover the most empowered...

Tell small but mighty stories

Find Your Superpower newsletter 069

Read time: 5 minutes

Topics covered: Bootcamp pre-launch, storytelling, trust building


These days, there is a school of thought among content creators that we should come up with incredibly polarizing hooks to attract eyeballs to our posts.


41 birthday truth bombs

Find Your Superpower newsletter 068

Read time: 5 minutes

Topics covered: Birthday month, wisdom from the greats, adulting, inspiration


Hey there, it is my birthday month!

To celebrate the anniversary of my 41st trip around the sun, I am going to continue my annual tradition of sharing 41...

3 limiting beliefs about LinkedIn

Find Your Superpower newsletter 067

Read time: 5 minutes   

Topics covered: My birthday sale, mindset, 30-day challenge


Go, go, go, go, go, go
Go shawty, it’s my birthday
We gonna party like it’s my birthday!

Ladies and gentlemen... August is coming up, and that can...

From employee to entrepreneur mindset

Find Your Superpower newsletter 066

Read time: 5 minutes­­­   

Topics covered: Mindset, branding, LinkedIn 30-day challenge


I have been really busy. In a good way.

This week I had three public engagements, one of them being very special to me: I conducted a...

LinkedIn is too serious... play a game with me!

Find Your Superpower newsletter 065

Read time: 3 minutes   

Topics covered: Gamification, free game, habit formation, LinkedIn


I have just closed enrolment for my upcoming six-week LinkedIn bootcamp as Cohort 3 is now fully booked. You could join the waitlist here!


Build and they will come (is a lie!)

Find Your Superpower newsletter 064

Read time: 5 minutes   

Topics covered: Storytelling, attraction marketing, entrepreneurship



“Are you Juliana?” said someone who walked up to say hello to me at Starbucks.

I was editing a print magazine for a client...

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