Transform your money mindset, transform your life

Mar 09, 2025
Transform your money mindset, transform your life

Find Your Superpower newsletter 093

Read time: 5 minutes

Topics covered: Wealth psychology, financial transformation, portfolio career, abundance thinking


The greatest obstacle between you and financial abundance isn’t necessarily how the economy is doing, your academic qualifications, or even your industry skills—its something that lies between your ears.

Your mindset about money.

After speaking with numerous entrepreneurs and leaders, I’ve come to realize that the ones who are the most agile in their thinking where money is concerned are also the ones who seem to be doing the best. 

Likewise, the ones who are the most dogmatic and inflexible about how they "should be making money" are also the ones who are working the longest hours, experiencing a limit in their earning potential, and finding it the hardest to acquire new clients.

PS: I am calling the ideal scenario Main Character Energy—the ability to see yourself as the protagonist in your story rather than a supporting character subject to external forces outside your control.

Shall we do a simple five-step audit of your money mindset?


1/ What is your money belief system?

Commodity: Money is ultimately finite and hard to come by. My company and society want to pay me as little as possible for my skills and squeeze me for everything they can.

Main character: Money is abundant and flows toward value creation. There is an overwhelming supply of it and the more value I create, the more it will find me. Therefore, the more value I provide, the more I earn.

Activation question: What would change if you truly believed money was constantly looking for you? How would you help money to find you more easily?


2/ What is your learning investment portfolio?

Commodity: I’ll invest in my learning and development when I have more money. I’ll focus on upskilling when I need a new job or promotion. Until then, I am fine spending absolutely zero on improving myself.

Main character: The fastest path to wealth is investing in knowledge, skills, and networks that compound over time. I need to be reading a book and taking a course every month to improve my communication, leadership, speaking and writing skills.

Activation question: What investment in yourself would yield the highest returns over the next five years, especially with AI automation taking over many technical functions in the workplace?


3/ For learners, how are you allocating your focus?

Commodity: I need to fix all of my weaknesses so that I will have no vulnerable spots left.

Main character: I need to find my superpower(s) and double down on my strengths. I will delegate or automate everything else. I should be learning how to swim better if I am a fish, or how to climb a tree faster if I am a monkey, not vice versa.

Activation question: What is your superpower(s) that generates disproportionate returns that no one else seems to come close in?


4/ How do you manage your energy and time?

Commodity: I am a busy mom/dad. I am constantly exhausted. If I had more time I will be able to make more money.

Main character: By engaging in high-leverage activities and delegating the rest, I make twice as much money with half the time I would otherwise spend.

Activation question: What 20% of your activities generates 80% of your financial results?


5/ How is your annual income determined?

Commodity: My annual income is determined by the market rate for my job title, and also how the economy is performing in 2025.

Main character: My annual income is unrelated to how the economy is doing and only based on the remarkable transformation I deliver to a small group of people who provide testimonials for my services and recommend me to their friends and colleagues.

Activation question: How would you create remarkable transformations for a small number of people, and correspondingly increase your annual income?


Before we can talk about branding, we need to focus on our $$$ mindset

Yes, I know this is a branding newsletter. 

Further, it is unlikely that I will become a financial blogger in the next few years.

But I must point out that before I accept any 1:1 clients, I usually quiz my clients on three very important matters:
πŸ’° how much they are investing into their learning and development
πŸ’° all matters relating to their money mindset (such as the audit above)
πŸ’° their current business model and offer ladder

In some cases, my first priority is to help my clients earn the same amount of money (unbelievable, who would pay me for that?) but with a fraction of the time they would otherwise spend.

Why? As a biologist should know, nature abhors a vacuum.

Once I get my clients’ time freed up to work "outside" the business instead of "inside" the business, only can they consider building their brand, plugging the gaps in their learning, and testing out new business models.

If they had no space to think and play, they would be too fatigued and overwhelmed to make any changes while juggling 8-10 Zoom meetings and 10-12 hours of work daily.

PS: I never do more than 1-2 Zoom/in-person meetings a day, preferably zero.


Did my five-step audit reveal "commodity-like" thinking?

If you identified like the commodity instead of the main character for any of the five questions above, I think it is time for a money mindset glow-up in 2025.

Imagine a simple virtual subscription that gives you access to world-class experts and business mentors who will guide you on how to build a brand, speak & write better, and make money from it.

The March intake for my 12-month Brand Builder Mastermind opens on March 14th (this Friday), so please waitlist now.

If you want to be the Main Character in your life, why not join my 12-month Brand Builder Mastermind

Don’t wait for someone’s permission to claim your wealth.


To your financial transformation,
Juliana πŸ’—


P.S. The difference between where you are and where you want to be financially is closer than you think—it starts with how you think about money.

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